All right boys and girls, long and eventful day today. Here it is:
It began by heading to check out the mall in Nagoya. Here is Michikazu (left) and Kyotaka (right) playing with the GPS.
We stopped for some authentic ramen noodles and fried rice on the way. Absolutely oishi (delicious)!
All in all, the Japanese mall is not very different from our malls in America, surprisingly. All the parking decks and store names are in English. Even the food court has a big sign above it that literately says, "FOOD COURT." I laughed at the irony of it all. Also, the guys treated me to some really, really tasty Japanese deserts (I haven't been able to exchange my dollars for Japanese yen, yet). It was a welcomed slip back into American "snacking". I only brought a few boxes of hot tamales to Japan and left all other snacks and goodies behind - it has been tough Aunt Diane, but I know I am healthier for it!
So once we arrived back to the church I finished up some design work before dinner. And then after dinner, Kyotaka comes in and says, "O.K., time for Karaoke!" Ha, of course I had to go! Now, for those of you that don't know, Karaoke is a huge past time in Japan. I don't know why - it just is. And trust me when I say, "Your truly haven't experienced karaoke, until you have done it with the Japanese! They are professionals"
We headed down to the karoke bar "Voice Cats" (also written in English) at about 8:00 pm tonight. Man it was a blast. You pay for a certain amount of time, you get your own private room to sing complete with flatscreen tv, song book, a booth for six people, telephone to call your waitress when you need something, and any beverage and food item you want! Aaaaannnd... they serve you microphones on a tray. They mean business.
And yes Jake, I sang Michael Jackson's "Don't stop till you get enough" from the movie Rush Hour 2. Everyone was clapping.
Here we are!