

Ok, very long weekend of rehearsal in our little gym in Japan. Two of the American designers were here to help add visual elements to the show. We completed all of the drill and did a complete run through tonight - very physically demanding. I was relieved that I wasn't the only one that was struggling. In the mean time I am still dealing with a cough. There are actually more and more people becoming slightly sick. It is that time of year I suppose.

Here is a photo of everyone eating lunch in the cafeteria on our afternoon break.

Here is a photo of my NEW Aimachi fleece! One of the veteran snare drummers told me I could purchase this from the ensemble and I asked if he was sure (I didn't know if everyone would feel comfortable with an "outsider" owning this and wearing it even once I leave). His reply, "Oh yes, you are Aimachi Marching Band Member now." It was really a ah ha moment. I am in it NOW!

And here is a picture of the 2010 Aimachi tenor section!!!

Names from L to R
Shinohara, Yoshitaka, Michikazu, Yasayuki, Josh